A Night Off snippet (Visual)

Disclaimer: This work of fiction was written for the sole purpose of entertainment. This and all other fictions (fan-fictions, visuals, and original works) featured on this site does not portray the actual lives of celebrities and their affiliates. Any part, including characters, that resembles the likeness of any person’s life, living or deceased, is truly coincidental and/or unintentional. All names can be changed at the discretion of the writer and publicist(s) involved.
© 2010 Purple Junkaye

**This visual has strong language and sexual content. Please read with caution.

A Night Off

It wasn't long before she noticed him dozing off. Just a few more minutes, she said to herself.

The light snoring coming from him turned her anxiety into relief. Slowly, she got out of bed, covered her body in her warm fleece robe and headed downstairs to her kitchen.

"Look at this mess," she sighed to herself. Ever since the big move, she's done nothing but work, clean and cook. This house was too big for her, and she was starting to regret ever buying it. Sighing, she poured some orange juice and got down to work.

And We're Off!

Read my blogpost introducing
Purple Junkaye
An Accomplished Woman

I don't think I need a hand, but thanks...

I'm the last on the roster, but the first to venture off. My oldest sister, Peach, tells me all the time that I have an underlying talent that I should be trying to pursue, but she knows I'm too lazy about doing it. It's not that I'm lazy, I try to tell her, it's the fact that I realized, this is about business and strategy.